Friday, December 11, 2015

4 things you love about your boss

Not everyone loves their boss, but I am sure many of us have had the chance to work for a boss that we just loved. If you haven't I apologize in advance this video is not going make it any easier on you, Being a boss doesn't make you a good leader, but being a boss is certainly a good training ground to become a good leader. After you watch the video go check out the Jeff Haden article on that inspired this video.

4 things you love about your boss

Jeff's blog post

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

How to get 100,000 followers on twitter

               What does getting twitter followers have to do with "leadership"? Well if you have read anything on my other blog (Guerrilla Tactics for the Small Charity ) you will know that I believe that leaders have a responsibility to represent and speak on behalf of their organization. Social media is a way to do this, but also a way that organizational leaders will be expected to represent their stakeholders and organizations in the future. If an organization needs to communicate with stakeholders or really support, sales etc increasingly social media such as twitter will be just viewed as one more vehicle to do that through. So if you are not on-board already sign your self up for a twitter account and follow the tips on the video below. Or if you are already on social media -give this a watch and hopefully there will be some tips that will help you grow your own following.